50 People or Groups, Living or Not, Real or Maybe Not…

… I’d like to meet and spend maybe a half hour talking to. In no special order, and totally topical – the list would most likely be different next year or last year. Let’s assume we’d be able to converse regardless of the respective languages, and that they’d have to answer my questions honestly, even if such answers deflate the myths.

  1. Stephen Hawking
  2. Albert Einstein
  3. Charles Darwin
  4. Thomas Jefferson
  5. J.R.R.Tolkien
  6. Isaac Asimov
  7. William Shatner
  8. The cast of Star Trek (the original)
  9. The cast of Firefly
  10. Abigail Adams – because she fascinates me
  11. The person who first figured out how to make chocolate
  12. Rush – the Canadian band, not the Limbaugh
  13. Rosa Parks
  14. Bill Gates
  15. Grace Hooper – for her contributions to COBOL, a language I never learned
  16. Jesus, to see if he really existed, said all the things attributed to him, and ask what he thinks about the current state of his religion
  17. William Shakespeare, to see if he really existed and wrote all the things attributed to him
  18. Siddhārtha Gautama, to see if he really existed, said all the things attributed to him, and ask what he thinks about the current state of his religion
  19. Mohammed, to see if he really existed, …you get the drift
  20. Abraham Lincoln
  21. Josephine Smith, my grandmother, to tell her the Red Sox finally won another World Series
  22. Joseph Smith, to have a look at those tablets
  23. Dian Fossey
  24. Bob Hope
  25. Gary Larsen
  26. Benjamin Franklin
  27. Marie Antoinette
  28. Reiff Lafleur, because I’m curious how his life has been
  29. Aretha Franklin, to give her some r-e-s-p-e-c-t
  30. The native Americans – to warn them
  31. Gustav Holst, because I really like his suite, The Planets
  32. Jules Verne
  33. James Clerk Maxwell
  34. The Beatles, particularly John Lennon
  35. Mary Shelley
  36. Winston Churchill
  37. Marilyn Monroe (who wouldn’t?)
  38. Marie Curie
  39. Amelia Earhart, to find out what happened
  40. Werner von Heisenberg
  41. Galileo Galilei
  42. The designer of the Great Pyramid of Giza
  43. Leonardo da Vinci
  44. Nikola Tesla
  45. Martin Gardner
  46. Alan Turing
  47. M.C. Escher
  48. Captain Lipfert, to thank him for advising me that a degree in physics post-Navy might not be as valuable as one in engineering
  49. Clause Shannon
  50. Orville and Wilbur Wright

As I said at top, I’m sure this list would be different tomorrow.

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